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Interview with Zayn Malik (Indonesia)

Interview One Direction by creativedisc1

Hello Zayn .. I’m Rendy from
Zayn: Hi, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too. How are you?
Zayn: Very good, thank you. How about you?

Good also. By the way, Happy New Year ..
Zayn: Thank you, Happy New Year too ..

Zayn, where you are today?
Zayn: Currently I'm located in Newcastle, UK.

Well, I want to ask about One Direction. As I know, One Direction are formed through the X-Factor event. What do you feel when they pass you in a group, not as a solo act?
Zayn: At that time, I auditioned for a solo act, had felt less experience, and suddenly everything is turned into scary for me. But the X-Factor may be aware, so when it was announced that I would be more suited to compete if it is in a group along with several others, so I kinda just work for it, and We think We all kinda fit.

How do you see yourself now, with a status of "celebrity" clothing you now, and how you live it?
Zayn: Yeah, I do not know .. To be sure everything is very different from before. Some things become more difficult to do, like shopping and so on, but it's cool .. I am 19 years now, and currently is the most fun for me, so I will not complain.

What's the best thing to be famous?
Zayn: Hmm, I can not jelasin specific thing about it is to be famous, but certainly I am very pleased with the career that I live today, with all that exists now, but I'm not crazy about with this fame.

Now, let's talk about the album. Previously, I say congratulations on the album "Up All Night" which became the fastest selling debut album in 2011 in the UK, as well as album sales debut with the third highest UK chart history. And your first single, "What Makes You Beautiful", has sold nearly 1,000 copies in Indonesia. How do you feel?
Zayn: That's amazing! I mean, when we started in the X-Factor 2010 and then, we never thought that all things are now going to happen, it could well known internationally, the which is amazing! We're still very young, and wondered why this happened to us, because we do it all with ease, without haste, and now we have to deal with fans around the world. And nice to know that we have many fans in Indonesia. It's fun, fabulous.

Tell me more about making the album, and what it's like to work with big names like Simon Cowell and Kelly Clarkson?
Zayn: We work with great people at our first album. We have big names in the music industry who are involved in it. Bands like McFly write song for us, Ed Sheeran and Kelly Clarkson also wrote songs. We work with people who are different, and very pleasant to get a chance like this.

You wrote three songs on the album "Up All Night"?
Zayn: Yes, we co-wrote three songs on it, Same Mistakes, Everything About You, and Taken.

Many Directioners here (especially the girl) was wondering if you have a project that involves fans around the world, such as for a video clip? Because your new single "One Thing" has a similar concept that displays your fans in the UK.
Zayn: Sure, we are very pleased to be involved with the fans. A good idea for a video, we expect to happen later.

Is "More Than This" will be the next single? Since many who say that the song is ready made singles.
Zayn: That would be amazing if it was. But we do not know exactly what song would be the next single. It may be that (the song) will be the next single. The song was very nice. I think you just have to wait and see. (Laughing)

What is your next project? Perhaps the world tour?
Zayn: Yes, there are some things that we're prepared, and can not wait for our share, including a world tour, promoting the album. I know the album we do not get there (Indonesia), so maybe it will be the next step. Yeah, maybe we'll come out and doing some stuff over there, Pls the album's out.

Maybe you could put Asia on the list of tour you will, especially Indonesia.
Zayn: Yeah, definitely! I think we have a lot of fans there, and we sincerely hope to be able to visit you.

What do you know about Indonesia? Maybe someone once mention Indonesia to you?
Zayn: Yes, I've heard the name of Indonesia before, like in school. I'd love to go there, because I heard there was so beautiful.

Cool! Can not wait to taste you come here. Anyway, before we ngadain poll about who would want to be interviewed by us. And most Directioners mention your name.
How did you feel, and what does it mean for your fans?
Zayn: We really love our fans the same, with all the support provided. We are only five young people who have the opportunity to join a group, can be gigging and touring, and people seemed to like it. And the fans were very helpful, always supportive in our career, so for me they are very special.

And the most memorable moments with the fans think?
Zayn: Every time we gig always be times when that is not forgotten. Any appearance that we brought in front of everyone, we always make a memorable experience, so I am happy to do so.

Do you include an active in social networks like Twitter and Facebook?
Zayn: Yes ..

And you also follow your fans back on Twitter?
Zayn: For me, Twitter is very helpful when you want to convey something and want people to know. And a lot of fans who expresses himself through Twitter, and we were somewhat overwhelmed filled one by one. But we still tried my best, and hope people can understand.

You know, One Direction had several times been the subject of Trending Topics in Indonesia, even some of them into TT World Wide. What do you notice?
Zayn: Yes, we had seen several times in TT WW, we are very flattered to know people are talking about us, it's amazing!

Lastly, say something to your fans in Indonesia.
Zayn: Sure, we are very grateful for all Directioners who were there, who had been listening and enjoying our music, we are very thankful and grateful for the support provided.

Thank you very much for your time, Zayn. And we hope you can come to Indonesia soon.
Zayn: Yes, I also can not wait to come there. See you later. Bye ..

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